Things I Like
- Music
- Trains
- City History
- Theology
- DIY Electronics
- Going on my Computer
- playing
- habving fun
- play time
- loving
Recently I have been getting into graffiti and spotting all the tags and throws around the city has been a lovely constant game. I found this article that catalogues some really amazing writers' handstyles.
Web Sites:
- NYC Noise is a constantly updating calendar of every experimental/free/noise/avant-garde music show that is happening in the city at any given time. Very useful for trying to find something Happening.
- OldNYC is an online navigator of the NYC Public Library's archive of old photographs arranged in a map format, so you can click on any cross streets and find some old pictures from that location.
- Madonna12.com, a site belonging to my homie Ash, a fantastic writer and artist whose work I really resonate with.
- MapFrappe is a fascinating tool that compares sizes of towns, states, and locations in the world and allows you to overlay the outlines of different places, comparing them.
- Calvin and Hobbes Search Engine
- Brand New Subwayis a fun online game where you can redesign the subway system and add stations and lines and things.
- Zack of Infinite Digits is a master tinkerer of electronics and sound machines who I aspire to be like someday.
- Greg Technology...???
- The StinkyMeat Project
- Forgotten Languages is written in an entirely unknown but consistent language and is incredibly mysterious but most likely an experimental project made by a group of linguists.
If you like Big Thief and don't know of Pencil, check this out.
Here are two photos of Rachel Goswell drinking beer and at some point this was photoshopped to change the brand of beer and I am not sure why this was done or which one is the original.